
Grayson was stray cat living in garden and eating scraps in the Gateshead area.

He was looking very much the worse for wear and the elements were really starting to take their toll on him. 


Thankfully a caring local resident spotted him and realised his suffering. After feeding him and observing him closely for a period he was admitted into the Ark.

Although Grayson looked pretty rough and was quite scared initially on admittance, he soon realised that he was getting fed nice foods and was safe and getting lots of attention.


Very soon Grayson started to enjoy his temporary residence at the Ark and before long hes was chosen by a really caring and loving family.


Grayson now lives the life of Riley, he wants for nothing.

He lives in a warm house, is always the centre of attention, gets the best of food and spends most of his time sleeping contentedly in the middle of the sofa between the family that he adores and who worship him!

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