Two Tabby's rescued from living on the street.



This cat is alittle grumpy at the moment but it is very early days yet.

She was very recently admitted to the Ark via Westways Vets, who had been ask to help by a non-owner who felt sorry for Rosie living on the street. She is microchipped but the registered keeper claims that they were rehomed to someone else and that person is untraceable.


Admitted 25/09/2024

Petula - The daughter cat



Petula is currently still a little shy but starts to relax and become more and more sociable on being given attention.They can't be homed until fourteen days after admission, but anyone genuinely interested in considering offering her a home is welcome to visit her and to reserve Petula to themselves on the expiry of the 14 day rule.


Admitted 25/09/2024

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